Too Much Tubular! BRAVE Book by Trail Life
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BRAVE Books has partnered with Trail Life USA to write Too Much Tubular!, a Christian children’s book that teaches the importance of moderation while saving Freedom Island from all of the animals that have become obsessed with Tubular photos.
BRAVE Books, partners with people of moral integrity, like Mark Hancock, to teach complex Christian and Conservative values.
As children grow, the temptation to become more and more absorbed in social media increases. How do you teach your children the importance of using social media safely and in moderation? That’s the subject of Too Much Tubular!, a new release by BRAVE Books in collaboration with Trail Life USA CEO Mark Hancock.
Something in Furenzy Park has gone horribly wrong! The animals have become so obsessed with Tubular photos that they’ve let everything fall apart. Can Team BRAVE help them remember what truly matters, or is all of Freedom Island doomed to live out this swirly-eyed nightmare? Join Team BRAVE as they learn about moderation.
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